The earthquakes and Tsunami occurred on 11th Mar, it spends only 6 days (17th today),
It can not be said Japanese fortune in this stage, it is too early.
JAPAN IS “Ánimo” as always.
All of us must see right forecast, certain news, must not be emotional behavior,
an another 1 month at least.
All things are still on the process to maintain errors of nuclear plants in Fukushima Pref.
Please all of you should be calm down.
Fukushima locates more than 200 km away from Tokyo, 540km away from Kyoto.
Embassies in Japan announce warning though,
this kind of warning were made all happenings in the world,
including politics matters.
This warning is made for preparation if worst case will be occurred.
It doesn’t mean extremely case will be happened for another few days.
Japanese economists, traders of stocks made same comments as above.
European governments reconsider their own nuclear plants,
comparing accident of nuclear plants in Fukushima.
It seems that EU nations are confused nuclear plants problems between Japan and Europe.
Even there are a lot different type of nuclear plants accident between Japanese case and Chernobyl.
Please see the amount of the radioactivity value received per hour as below;
Tokyo – New York return flight : 200μSv
One time X-ray on the chest: 50μSv
CT scan on the chest:6500μSv
TOKYO received 0.0541μSv/Per hour ONLY (17th Mar).0.809μSv/Per hour (16th)Avarage before Accident 0.028 - 0.079μSv/Per hour
[μSv = Microsievert (1/1000 MSv), MSv = Millisievert]
The latest updates on Fukushima nuclear power plant by Tokyo Electric Power Co(Japanese)
From yesterday, many volunteers of specialists applied to fix for errors of nuclear plants.
Japan's Self-Defense Forces begins efforts to cool down nuclear plants that water to be sprayed No 3 and 4 reactors from this morning by helicopters of Japanese self defense.
STAY CALM that is the most important thing right now.

I will keep updating this blog.
Written by Japanese from Tokyo
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