
STOP GOSSIPS! European Medias: Japon Terremoto y Tsunami ; desde Tokyo

Written by Japanese from Tokyo


EU (Spain) medias (TV, News papers etc) show
Tohoku Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster as exiting panic movie dramas.
They show only taking panic parts on the TV, even it happens just particular time and spots.
EU people who live in Japan don’t panic at all.

Reality in Japan,
All Japanese nations are quite calm even tsunami victims in Tohoku,
we corporate for repairing errors, make up our motivation.
Ocean side of Tohoku had huge Tsunami disaster.
Other prefectures in Tohoku have inconvenient life though it should be working out.
Tokyo is still busy city, everyone goes to work and schools.

Actually many of overseas communities in Japan establish
"Japan Earthquake Appeal events"
their private communities organized donation projects.
We have so much appreciation for all people who support for this disaster.

Nuclear power plants in Fukushima prefecture are still under maintenance.
Probably the most anxiety topic for Europeans what happens nuclear accidents.
There are 8837 – 400000 μSv per hour on the spot of reactors in Fukushima.
0.809μSv in Tokyo where are more than 200 km away from reactors.
Basically wind blow Japanese Ocean side to Pacific Ocean through mountains.

Please see the amount of the radioactivity value received per hour as below;
Tokyo – New York return flight : 200μSv
One time X-ray on the chest: 50μSv
CT scan on the chest:6500μSv
TOKYO received 0.809μSv ONLY.

[μSv = Microsievert (1/1000 MSv), MSv = Millisievert]

We must get only certain information carefully, keep calm.
Japanese, especially Tohoku people have very strong mentality.
It takes long time to repair cities in Tohoku ocean side.

Tohoku is still snowing very cold days.
There are enough hot heaters, blankets and medicines,
but nobody complains, just keep strong motivation and help each other.

Please help Tohoku with your donation.

赤十字スペイン(Cruz Roja Española)

赤十字アメリカ(American Red Cross)

日本財団(The Nippin Foundation)

Informacion para Terremoto y Tsunami(NHK Television Nacional Japonesa)

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